Case Knives
John Deere Case Knives
Case Green Handle John Deere Folding Pocket Knife Trapper in great condition. It measures 4 1/8″ closed – 7 3/8″ opened. W.R. Case & Sons Cutlery Company is an American manufacturer of traditional pocket knives, fixed blades/sporting knives, limited edition commemoratives and collectibles. The company originated in Little Valley, New York, around the turn of the 20th…
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Case knife markings
W. R. Case & Sons of Bradford, Pennsylvania began making Case knives about 1905. Case filled an order for 81, knives for the United States Navy just before World War I and provided a custom survival knife for the astronauts on Gemini and Apollo space missions. This company has also filled the pockets of American boys and men for over a century. Case knives are collectibles;…
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Antique Case Knives
Knife collecting is one of the fastest growing hobbies in America. It provides plenty of enjoyment and can be an excellent investment for the future. Sarco Pocket Knives specializes in antique knives and collectible knives. Our founder, Jim Sargent, is one of the most respected authorities on antique knives in the nation. Jims book, American Premium Guide to Knives &…
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Case Stockman review
It s almost impossible to say anything bad about the Case Knives Stockman. It s good looks and functionality make it an excellent choice for every day carry. Appearance: Great looking knife. The bermuda green bone style handle along with the inlaid oval logo make it an attractive piece, aside from it s functionality. Functionality: Here s where the Case Knives Stockman shines…
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Dating Case Pocket Knives
Then and Now The story of Zippo Manufacturing Company is the story of its people, from the founder, George G. Blaisdell, to the many Zippo employees, customers, and collectors who have played a part in its 80-year history. Their loyalty to Zippo has made this one of America’s great companies, one with a vivid history which is detailed here. 1930s The Zippo timeline begins in…
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Case Seahorse Whittler
Annually the club membership selects a knife that is dedicated as the club knife for that particular year. These knives are provided in limited quantities with engaved serial numbers on a bolster along with etched blades showing the total quantity and the club logo. Following is a detailed list of those knives starting in 1989 through the present: 1989- Kabar USC88, 4 blade…
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Case Camper knife
We’ve noted before that with the number of useful camping and outdoor-centric apps these days, your iPhone is becoming a digital Swiss Army knife. Now it’s becoming a physical one too, thanks to an innovative new case from a company called The Task Lab. The case is no thicker than many other fashionable iPhone cases, but ingeniously housed inside is a plethora of tools for…
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Case Select Knives
As with all things, hunting demands you use the right tool for the right job. Here’s help shopping for your gadgets. How To Buy Knives And Tools When you go hunting, you should be prepared to both field-dress your game and to handle a variety of situations such as, cutting tree limbs, emergency repairs to your gear and chores around your campsite. Manufacturers offer a wide…
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Case Brand Knives
Adding thermal spray hard-facing to the cutting edge of an agricultural machinery knife is a tried-and-true method of extending the useful life of the product. However, not all thermal spray hard-facing is created equal, as we discovered when we went head-to-head with the competition. The Comparison. It’s common practice in this industry to test machine components under typical…
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Case Wholesale
What s wholesale got to do with your role as a designer or developer? Well, a lot actually. According to Forbes, the B2B market is “expected to grow to $6.7 trillion in gross merchandise value by 2020.” That’s a lot of dollars that your clients can easily grab a piece of while utilizing their existing Shopify store. Building a wholesale store is one of my number one requests…
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Case XX knife identifier
[List of handle materials] [List of factory pattern numbers] [List of blade abbreviations] The number on a Case knife represents various features associated with the knife. On a typical item, the number will consist of four digits. The first number represents the type of handle material used to make the knife, the next digit indicates the number of blades it has, and the last…
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WR Case and Sons Cutlery Co
W.R. Case & Sons Cutlery Company is an American manufacturer of premium, hand-crafted knives that are passed down for generations. Based in Bradford, Pennsylvania, Case’s offerings cover a wide range of product categories, from traditional folding pocket knives and fixed blade sporting knives to limited production commemoratives and collectables. The company’s rich…
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Case Damascus Knives
Brandon asks: Can you help me understand all of these Damascus knives I keep seeing? They look gorgeous, but are they just for looks? Would one of these make for a good all-around knife? Well, that’s a complicated question. First, let’s do a little freshening up on what exactly “Damascus steel” is. Damascus, Wootz, and patternweld are all names given to different types of steels…
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