Collectible Knives
World Knives Collectors Knives
FREMONT — Ever since he was a child, Luis Bernardo Mercado has been fascinated with knives. He couldn’t seem to get enough of them over the decades and now the Fremont resident is hoping to set a world record for having the largest collection of knives ever amassed by any one person. His passion for knives began when he was a 5-year-old in Cuquío, a town in central-western…
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Collectible Folding Knives
Knives Swords Blades Collectible Folding Knives Vintage Folding
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Case collector Knives
Throughout its history, Case has created a countless number of knives, which can leave the beginning collector wondering just what to collect and where to begin. A recent conversation with renowned Case collector, Bob Wurzelbacher, shared with us his wonderful insight. Bob says a new collector should, focus, focus, focus. With so many options, Bob advises to start with something…
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Collecting Case Knives
What is your Collection for? Profit Gain [investment] when sold after a period of time, Left as a Legacy after you pass a way to son or daughter or just the beauty of them all. Or maybe all of the above.Case 101 Chapter 1 follows. My take on Case XX knives the most inportant is PRICE. A- Pick a pattern to collect - the Case Tiny TexasToothpick is by far the most popular, others…
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John Wayne collectibles Knives
69, 90 € 79, 90 € 199, 80 € 159, 90 € Willkommen bei Bradford Exchange, die beste Adresse für Kunst, kostbare Schmuck-Kreationen, Geschenke, Schönes für den Wohnbereich und vieles mehr. Herzlichen Dank, dass Sie sich die Zeit nehmen, bei uns einzukaufen. Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Vergnügen bei einer spannenden Entdeckungsreise in unserer Welt des Sammelns und Schenkens. Unserem…
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Collective Knives
This is a really cool knife, The curved blade is wicked. Opens smooth and locks open tight. Maybe a little hard to close sometimes but that will get easier with a little time. Its a very good looking knife too. I purchased this knife with engraving for an anniversary gift. It is perfect. My husband loves it, carries it always, and uses it. He shows it off to family and friends…
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Collector hunting Knives
BLADE‘s media sister over on the deer hunting side is and you can imagine that it knows a thing or two about knives. Deer & Deer Hunting editors recognize how a dependable blade makes all the difference. When you need a knife, you need a knife. That’s why BLADE was thrilled to hear that partnered with the American Knife Company to produce an exclusive line of hunting…
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Case Collectors Club Knives
The Case Collectors Club offers 3 membership levels: Regular, Junior, and Life. You can enjoy a host of benefits no matter what membership level you choose. Regular members pay $20 annually and enjoy the following benefits: - Subscription to The Case Collector magazine, published four times a year - Annual Case catalogs - Exclusive, limited knife promotions - Access to online…
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Collectible Case Pocket Knives
Case knives are the premiere collectible brand in the industry. While we make the product, we let the collecting community establish the worth of a knife after the retail sale. Many of our knives have increased in value over time. However, the use of knives as an investment is a risk like any other investment. The value of a Case knife is usually determined by how much a collector…
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Franklin Mint collectibles Knives
Founded by Joseph Segal and originally headquartered in Pennsylvania, The Franklin Mint first specialized in exactly what its name implied: the private minting of commemorative medallions and coins of gold, silver and other precious metals. Usually, subscribers agreed to purchase an entire set; shipments (and invoices) were then sent monthly. Themes focused on topics that could…
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Buck Knives Collectors Edition
If you’re a fan of Buck Knives, then you won’t want to miss Buck Knives Weekend at the “World’s Largest Knife Showplace” Smoky Mountain Knife Works in Sevierville, TN on July 8th, 9th, and 10th. We’ve got lots of great Buck knives, special guests and amazing giveaways! Here are some of the details! The event runs from Friday, July 8th to Sunday, July 10th. There will be one…
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